Thursday, November 4, 2010

And the Richard Curtis Prize for Tricking People into Reading Literature goes to...

It seems Judd Apatow has included Alice Munro's story, "Material" in his new (first?) anthology of humor, I Found This Funny. His box office record would seem to indicate he knows his demographic, but who knows how they'll handle literary gems from Munro and Fitzgerald in between pieces by Conan O'Brien and Steve Martin (but then again, I might be underestimating them).

Congratulations Mr. Apatow! First you tricked a generation of men into seeing a near mirror of their own irresponsibility a bittersweet pathos of a relationship in Knocked Up, and despite how pleased with that film I cannot say I've seen another and thereby cannot speak with authority further. For this show of ability to trick people into reading literature, and for featuring the spirit of Richard Curtis when he tricked Rom-Com viewers into reading W.H. Auden, you hereby receive the Richard Curtis Prize for Tricking People into Reading Literature.

Now to find a way to revive the readership of Robert Browning...

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