The reason having many roots, including working on new projects, changes in time commitments, and most of all, the need for further development. I had a storyline prepared to produce this January, but cancelled in the middle of development of a strip, with few early sketches made. I am spending some time away from Rhoda, but not out of exhaustion for the character, but respect. When Rhoda returns, I want the general feeling to be that of the world expanded. I may have put more investment into the form of the last few comics, but I do not feel that I brought any insight into Rhoda, her world or anything in it.
I feel something special about Rhoda Dyck. She is not only a character left as a foundling of Pulp Novels, but something with a potential for more. My entire envisioning of her has a stench of great potential to it. She just may be the character that I dreamed of creating for years. A character that is so distinct and interesting, that her adventures are not limited only to her world. I feel Rhoda just may be somewhat like Doctor Mabuse, capable not only of changing form in story, but being in and changing the stories of others, while never needing the plot to revolve around her.
What sketches I have done are at this moment unfinished. I will not be releasing them any time soon, if not ever. The only way these will see the light of day, in my estimation, is if they are published posthumously. I will not be working them at the moment, but will continue working towards further story development of a new arc. Who knows? Maybe they'll be integrated later into further adventures. If you take anything from this, I hope it is to realize that the potential for Rhoda Dyck is nearly endless. I will return to the character when I feel I, and she, is ready.